
Contact Number: 6357073229
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Mission / Vision Statement

Mission Statement

Vision Statement

” DOEIL will be a global provider of integrated services to the oil and gas industry, with a diversified portfolio for undertaking turnkey projects involving Underwater, Marine and Offshore Construction. We will harness our knowledge and energy to provide world class quality, safety and environmental protection standards. We will constantly upgrade procedures, skills, systems and technology to create greater value for our clients, suppliers, employees and shareholders.”

Quality Policy

The policy of DOEIL is to always meet the customer as well as statutory and regulatory authority requirements and expectations through the development and maintenance of Quality Management Systems in conformance with the ISO 9001:2008 International Standard and the ISM code, and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the same. This management system shall be the means through which the Company’s Mission, Policies and Quality Objectives will be achieved.

Health, Safety & Environment Policy

Statement of Principle
Protection of the health and safety of our employees, all those affected by our business and the protection of the environment, are critical to the overall success of the company. To meet these objectives, we conduct our operations using sound HSE management systems, which reflect best industry practice, and we are committed for continual improvement of the management systems from lessons learned. HSE performance is a core value in our business and all DOEIL employees are accountable for its delivery.
Quality Policy

We will:

Security, Arms & Ammunition Policy

It is the policy of DOEIL to ensure that:
The management is committed to maintaining law and order within the areas of its operation. This HSSE Management System shall be the means through which the Company’s Mission, Policies and Objectives will be achieved.
Security Arms amp Ammunition Policy
Drugs & Alcohol Policy

Drugs & Alcohol Policy

The Company believes in promoting, providing and maintaining a safe, hazard free working environment, to protect employee health and client’s/ Company property and to promote safe and efficient operations. To achieve this objective, the possession, use and consumption of drugs and alcohol on any marine vessel, offshore installation or work site operated/owned by the company is strictly prohibited.