Mission Statement
- To always meet our customers requirements and to be their first choice supplier for our range of products /services
- To establish and maintain ourselves as one of the leading companies in India in all our areas of business
- To provide efficient and cost effective services
- To enhance our reputation for quality products, service and civic responsibility through continuous improvement
- To ensure a fair return of investment
- To conduct incident free operations
Vision Statement
” DOEIL will be a global provider of integrated services to the oil and gas industry, with a diversified portfolio for undertaking turnkey projects involving Underwater, Marine and Offshore Construction. We will harness our knowledge and energy to provide world class quality, safety and environmental protection standards. We will constantly upgrade procedures, skills, systems and technology to create greater value for our clients, suppliers, employees and shareholders.”
Quality Policy
The policy of DOEIL is to always meet the customer as well as statutory and regulatory authority requirements and expectations through the development and maintenance of Quality Management Systems in conformance with the ISO 9001:2008 International Standard and the ISM code, and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the same. This management system shall be the means through which the Company’s Mission, Policies and Quality Objectives will be achieved.
Health, Safety & Environment Policy
Statement of Principle
Protection of the health and safety of our employees, all those affected by our business and the protection of the environment, are critical to the overall success of the company. To meet these objectives, we conduct our operations using sound HSE management systems, which reflect best industry practice, and we are committed for continual improvement of the management systems from lessons learned. HSE performance is a core value in our business and all DOEIL employees are accountable for its delivery.
We will:
- Identify health, safety and environmental hazards arising from our business, and assess and manage associated risks, across the full lifecycle of our projects;
- Comply as a minimum with legislation and associated codes of practice and endeavour to improve on the performance standards they specify by adopting a risk-based approach to design, construction and operations of facilities. In managing our impact on the environment, we will go beyond compliance with local regulation where appropriate, seeking to meet internationally accepted good practice;
- Implement health, safety and environment management systems which reflect best industry practice; major managed operations are required to achieve external certification of HSE management systems;
- Endeavour to continually improve our health, safety and environmental performance so that work related ill health and incidents are reduced and environmental emissions, waste and the use of energy are decreased relative to activity;
- Ensure that health, safety and environmental performance is the responsibility of all staff and involve and consult employees and, where appropriate, their representatives;
- Provide direction, training and, where appropriate, supervision to enable all staff to meet their responsibility to work safely and with due consideration for the health and safety of others and for the environment; in particular while working at client?s environment.
- Develop and maintain effective contingency plans, where appropriate in conjunction with the authorities and emergency services;
- Co-operate fully with relevant enforcement agencies and work with industry and external bodies to further the understanding and development of health, safety and environment management and practice;
- Encourage our contractors and partners to demonstrate the same level of commitment to continuous improvement in standards of health, safety and environmental performance;
- Seek to contribute to the sustainable development of communities where we operate and to understand and take account of the health, safety and environmental concerns of staff, customers, shareholders and communities;
- Make available appropriate resources to implement this policy;
- Ensure compliance with this policy through a process of education, review and audit;
- Publish a regular statement of key health, safety and environmental objectives and report publicly on performance in these areas.
Security, Arms & Ammunition Policy
It is the policy of DOEIL to ensure that:
The management is committed to maintaining law and order within the areas of its operation. This HSSE Management System shall be the means through which the Company’s Mission, Policies and Objectives will be achieved.
The management is committed to maintaining law and order within the areas of its operation. This HSSE Management System shall be the means through which the Company’s Mission, Policies and Objectives will be achieved.
Drugs & Alcohol Policy
The Company believes in promoting, providing and maintaining a safe, hazard free working environment, to protect employee health and client’s/ Company property and to promote safe and efficient operations. To achieve this objective, the possession, use and consumption of drugs and alcohol on any marine vessel, offshore installation or work site operated/owned by the company is strictly prohibited.